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The Rio Grande Chapter of Golf Course Superintendent's Association

2024 Sponsorship Selection

  • 1 Jan 2024
  • 31 Dec 2024


  • Unlimited Number of Sponsorships. Sponsorship Includes:

    - 1 membership
    - Lunch Banner
    - Website Recognition
    - Logo in Emails
    - One (1) email blast on your behalf per year
  • This sponsorship level is limited to 5 companies each year. Sponsorship includes:

    - 2 Memberships
    - Lunch Banner
    - Website Recognition
    - Logo in Emails
    - Exclusive Title Sponsorship of 1 event
    - Four (4) email blasts on your behalf per year
  • This sponsorship is limited to 1 company per year.
    Sponsorship includes:
    - 2 Memberships
    - Beverage Cart Sign at Events
    - Website Recognition
    - Logo in Emails
    - Two (2) email blasts on your behalf per year
  • Unlimited Sponsorship Openings. Sponsorship Includes:

    - 1 Membership
    - Lunch Recognition
  • Unlimited spots. Sponsorship includes:

    - 2 Memberships
    - Lunch Banner
    - Website Recognition
    - Logo in Emails
    - Two (2) email blasts on your behalf per year


2024 Sponsorships will go live at 12:00 pm on Friday, December 1st.  Levels and date selections are on a first come, first served basis. To secure your sponsorship, purchase your sponsorship as a “ticket” on this platform. The Chapter Executive will reach out after your ticket is secured to gather your members names (if applicable) and for Gold sponsors, the date you would like to have for your sponsorship.

Email the Chapter Executive with any questions.

GCSAA is dedicated to serving its members, advancing their profession and improving communities through the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf. Rio Grande GCSA is a proud chapter of the National Golf Course Superintendent's Association of America (GCSAA). 

Call or Text Us
Phone: +1 (505)456-0535

P.O. Box 27502
Albuquerque, NM 87125

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